Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Day 2010

I've been voting since I was 18(I'm 51), every time I voted I felt I was taking part in the welfare of my country.I was supporting a person or a position I believed in.Today I felt let down, almost cheated. There was no one or any thing I believed in, that I wanted to support.
The votes I cast were against things and people I felt there was nothing to support that there is nothing that vote would acomplish. I voted for the less of the "evils" offered. It made me want to cry. 
I am one of the many people I talk to who feel that politions are only out for their main chance. That the wishes,desires, and dreams of the americian people mean nothing in the least to them. their only desire is to increase their own personal power.
I heard tonite Nevada has a"none of these" option I think that option should be avaiable in every state and national election.Give us a chance to say no that none of these people represent our interests this should include incumbents.
I can't help but feel that Franklin,Adams,Jefferson and the rest of the founding fathers didn't have this in mind.They said goverment was for the people.that taxation without representation is tyranny. they understood tyranny they lived with it.Our goverment has become the tyrant and is forcing its desisions on us with no reguard for how they effect us.Too many people will tell you they have lost any hope they had for themselves or their families.
Our once great county has become something that the people have lost faith in; there is no life here for them.Every day people only hope they can feed their kids, keep the lights on and have a job to go to tommorrow.

It's almost too sad to think about .......think about it........ and try not to cry.

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